Flexible feeding
Anything seem to be possible when it comes to brining or taking home food. As highly regulated Swedes, we were chocked to learn that it is perfectly alright in most restaurants to bring your own wine! It is also perfectly normal to take home uneaten food in a doggy-bag and the waiters are happy to re-cork your wine bottles so you can bring the last slurp with you home. Nice, but unthinkable back home.
For us Swedes with a strict "alcohol will dammage your health"-message upbringing, we are still enjoying the wine conversations that we have each day. The waitresses just cannot understand how anybody can eat a proper meal without sharing a bottle of wine.
Usually the conversation goes like this:
Sara: -Could I have a glass of chardonnay please?
Waiter: -Only a glass? (looking really surprised)
David: -I'll have a glass of the same.
Waiter: -But in that case, why don't you have a bottle?
Sara: -David is the designated driver, so I think that would be it.
Waiter: -But it is so much better value for money to take a bottle, and I'd be happy to re-cork it in case there would be anything left! Having two glasses of wine would really not make any sense!
Sara: -Well ok then...
And then we leave the restaurant with half a bottle of wine, straaaange...
The photo has nothing to do with the text above, but is only inserted as a reponse to comments regarding a certain lack of photos of us two at this blog!
For us Swedes with a strict "alcohol will dammage your health"-message upbringing, we are still enjoying the wine conversations that we have each day. The waitresses just cannot understand how anybody can eat a proper meal without sharing a bottle of wine.
Usually the conversation goes like this:
Sara: -Could I have a glass of chardonnay please?
Waiter: -Only a glass? (looking really surprised)
David: -I'll have a glass of the same.
Waiter: -But in that case, why don't you have a bottle?
Sara: -David is the designated driver, so I think that would be it.
Waiter: -But it is so much better value for money to take a bottle, and I'd be happy to re-cork it in case there would be anything left! Having two glasses of wine would really not make any sense!
Sara: -Well ok then...
And then we leave the restaurant with half a bottle of wine, straaaange...
The photo has nothing to do with the text above, but is only inserted as a reponse to comments regarding a certain lack of photos of us two at this blog!

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